ARC Romania


Secondary School ULMIis situated in the nearby of former medieval capital of Valahia, Targoviste, in Dambovita county, in Southern part of Romania at a distance of 80 km from Bucharest.The school is situated in a metropolitan area at 4km from Targoviste; its specific is to provide educational services for the 267 students from the 7 villages of Ulmi administrative unity.
Scoala Gimnaziala Ulmi is made of 2 kindergartens (pre-primary education level for the children from 3 to 6) -one in Ulmi and one in Viisoara and 2 gymnasium schools – Scoala Gimnaziala Ulmi and Scoala Gimnaziala, Ion Constantinescu Viisoara -both of them with primary and secondary education levels-for the students from 6 to 14.
The teaching language is Romanian and our students learn English and French as foreign languages. Our team of 24 teachers maintains a good collaboration relationships with the local community members-local authorities, parents and economic agents in order to be a real partner who offers its expertise for the benefit of the community and who is always ready to answer the community needs.
A significant number of our students come from families with socio-economical problems (poverty, unemployment, functional illiteracy, single parents or parents working abroad, children taken into foster care by foster parents).
Because almost 5% of our students have Special Educational Needs our school has a good cooperation with Centrul Judetean de Resurse si Asistenta Educationala Dambovita (CJRAE) in order to offer equal access to quality education for all students one of its teachers ( with a psycho-pedagogical expertise for working with students with special educational needs) works with our school’s teachers and students to organize the educational individual plan for each student.
Our school is accredited as a provider of education for students from 3 to 14 pre-primary, primary and secondary levels of education and it is evaluated each year according to national quality standards.

Scoala Gimnaziala Ulmi , Romania ’ ACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP ’ DIVERSITY IDENTICAL PROSPECTS , DIFFERENT ENTITIES Cultural diversity is a defining feature of humanity, being part of a leggacy, necessary for sustainable development and evolution.

Being highly symbolic in its evolution, cultural diversity is a source and resource of science, of democracy development and peace.

The issue of personal and group identity has always been an important matter of humanity, triggered by man’s need of self -knolwdge and self -defining.

We need to take ino account two ideas which enrich our identity: our cultural identity and the national specific. Our identity is expressed by our national values, the European values and the diversity of the activities achieved. The cultural identity stands for the blending of tradititonal and European values.

In this context, by getting involved in different activities, projects and programs, we can establish close relationships with community members, local authorities as well as other institutions and non- governmental organizations.

In Ulmi Lower Secondary School students had lessons and discussions , made projects about culturality and the national specific aspects. These activities have proved that by caring for our community we mange to promote educational and cultural values, to encourage children and young people to be a part of the community they belong to.

Throughout the previous school year 2018 – 2019, Ulmi Secondary School has been undertaking the following activities : * What language do we speak ? – Language families *Music, the same language *Dancing together *Appreciating the beauties of Europe – drawing contest *International proverbs *The Christmas Fair *Crafting- ,,martisoare’’ for the 1 st of March *Caroling.

What language do we speak ? – Language families Students had the task of drawing the Indo – European language family tree. They have tried to reconstruct the language etymology based on the common features .

Students have noticed there are no random elements , languages have passed the test of time and they are always changing. We should highlight that we need to leran an international language to be able to communicate with people from different parts of the world.

Music , the same language Students have performed songs specific for the participant countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Romania, Turkey . Children have sung them with a lot of joy .

Dancing together is an opportunity for our students to make all the community happy. They danced on European international music to promote the tarditions of the countries taking part in our project. Due to the fact that our school has partnerships with the Greek and Bulgarian communities, we had some common activities such as: traditional dances, traditional celebrations. Therefore, we can value the traditions and customs in order to enrich the cultural heritage of our students and the cultural diversity of our region.

Appreciating the beauties of Europe – drawing contest This activity has been a challenge for our students as they used their art skills. First, they researched, then they collected data about different tourist attractions in our country and Europe.They shared ideas and made posters to show the beauty of Europe.

International sayings The students coordinated by teachers have been searching for information about writers of universal literature to encourage children to read. They had the task of selecting wise sayings from what they had read and organizing them in word maps .

The Christmas Fair Christmas Fair was a a celebration that involved the whole school. Children and parents were part of this project : they cooked together cookies and different traditional cakes and sold their products . Children also made different Christmas decorations , creating objects from recycled materials, as well . The students performed carols and traditional songs and shows such as : Sorcova , the Star , Plugusorul .

* Crafting- ,,martisoare’’ for the 1 st of March It is a Romanian tradition to craft special broches, ’ martisoare ’ that we offer to moms, girls and women. These beautiful broches are a symbol of spring and can represent flowers, the clover, the chimney sweeper. After crafting the 1-st March traditional broches, the school organized an exhibition to sell them. The funds they raised were used to buy different products for children from a family with lower economical income.

* Caroling On Christmas Eve and the days after Christmas there are some popular traditions that we practise : – Children get a knot- shaped bread , a sign of wealth – Star Carol – Children walk in the streets holding a star to spread the news of Jesus’ birth.

Album photo 1st and 2nd meeting Romania

Ulmi Secondary School of Romania: CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT – Nature, our house

Ever since we were kids we have learnt that everything around us , what we see and what delights our eyes is a gift of nature and a symbol of generosity. Consequently, we should acknowledge that we need to become responsible in order to be able to protect the environment .

Our school is situated in a region with a vareity of landcapes: hills , large forests , steep valleys and mountains , wild nature , where animals live in their natural habitat and lots of wild plants and flowers grow. Our school lies in the center of Dambovita County , in the southern half of the country.

The activities of the Active Citizens Clubs have helped our students identify the most important environment issues in our village and the surroundings.

  • Sound disturbance because of the national roads DN71 Bucharest-Târgoviște and DN 72 Târgoviște-Găiești
  • Air pollution – gas emissions caused by traffic and some factories -Mechel Târgoviște, Nubiola Doicești
  • Soil pollution
  • The Garbage Dump which is used by the whole county, located in Aninoasa
  • Litter dropping in unappropriate places
  • Oil rigs exploitation
  • Waste coming from Mechel Steel Company Târgoviște and in Doicesti , Sotanga
  • Water pollution through :
  • Garbage dumping in rivers
  • Accidental Waste Dumping – from factories or as a result of oil rigs exploitation
  • Soil erosion – for Ialomița and Dâmbovița rivers because of sand and gravel expoitation as well as the hills area due to landslides , deforestation and unappropriately carried our agriculture .

The members of the Active Citizens Club have identified and looked into these environmental issues .

The way our students intend to protect environment in the area they live has been shown in more of their activities :

Taking part in national Clean- up campaigns : ”Let’ s Do It , Romania !” as well as the campaigns organized by The Active Citizens Club


Making posters and taking pictures related to environmentalism


Planting trees


Participating in The Green Parade


Organizing campaigns for selective waste collecting


Making a flashmob


Crafting from recyclable materials

Romanian Cultural Heritage


The cultural heritage of a people is like a treasure which is forwarded towards the new generations. The cultural heritage of a people is influenced invariably by  the civilizations that the inhabitants have confronted since the beginning of its history till the present day.

Otherwise, on the basis of the intercultural influences taken from the people they met throughout its history, the Romanian cultural heritage presents a high variety and diversity specific for the European space.

Within  the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 Project ATIVE AND RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP, the pupils from Ulmi Secondary School Ulmi have undertaken  activities in the Active Citizens Clubs on behalf of cultural heritage, such as:

  • Famous Romanian figures: Mihai Eminesu and Constantin Brancusi
  • Easter holidays-traditions and customs
  • Workshop -Icons painting on glass
  • Workshop for painting Easter eggs
  • Pottery Workshop
  • The Romanian traditional costume-through the children’s eyes
  • Folk dances – inheritance from ancestors
  • Plant a flower for tomorrow, plant a tree for the next generation

Famous Romanian figures: Mihai Eminesu and Constantin Brancusi

Mihai Eminescu, the national poet of all  Romanians, through the universality of his creation, had the noble mission of representing his people in front of the entire world. In order to honor the memory of the  national poet Mihai Eminescu, the pupils from the 1st grade made  brochures which illustrate aspects from Eminescu’s life.

The famous sculptor of our times, Constantin Brancusi, Romanian and European equally, through his works eternally immortal, makes that the Romanian cultural heritage to become a European one. The pupils from the 6th grade wrote  booklets  about his life and work. The students from primary grades had the opportunity to admire the most known Brancusi works from Romania, in Targu Jiu : Table of Silence, The Gate of the Kiss, and The Column of Infinity.

Easter holidays-traditions and customs

Visiting Nucet Monastery and Orthodox Church from Ulmi gave the possibility for the pupils from gymnasium grades (5-8th) to find  more information about Romanian traditions and customs from Easter period, about the Orthodox spirituality and religious importance of Easter holidays.

Workshop – Icons painting on glass

Easter is the oldest and the most important holiday of the Christianity, which brought the human   kind the hope of salvation and eternal life, through  Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. The icon on glass, especially the one painted on the back side of the glass surface is a particular category of the folk art. The art of iconographers on glass is characterized through a naïve drawing- but very suggestive- and a simple and clear composition, without anatomical and perspective proportions, but  chromatically balanced. The Easter holidays have given the opportunity for the pupils from primary grades to paint icons on glass in the thematic workshops .

Workshop for painting Easter eggs

In Romanian tradition, the Easter eggs are considered symbols of nature revival and its purity. Long time ago, the colours for painting Easter eggs were made from vegetal pigments (red from betroot, green from spinach, yellow from onion leaves and carrots, brown from coffee, etc.).

Nowadays many colours are used for painting Easter eggs, each colour having a specific symbol, such as: red for life, white –for innocence, blue– the colour of the water and the sky,  yellow– the colour of  the sun and the gold, black –for fertility.

In welcoming of the Easter holidays, our kindergarten and school students  painted eggs made  from polystyrene and modelling paste.

Pottery Workshop

We chose to learn the pottery secrets and mystery  in one of the famous pottery centre of Romania, Horezu. With the help and coordination of a well-known artisan  for pottery, we tried to make handcaft  pottery objects and we did it ! The clay was turned into pottery objects by our pupils.

The Romanian traditional costume-through the children’s eyes

The Romanian traditional costume represents the outfit for a particular county/region or country. The traditional costume is differentiated according to season, to festive occasions, age, sex and occupations for each region. Our younger pupils  painted  the Romanian women traditional costume using unconventional surfaces- modelling  paste.

Folk dances – inheritance from ancestors

Ulmi Festive  Days gave us the opportunity to present a few traditional folk dances, which could remind us of  our ancestors’ customs and traditions. Our pupils were proud to carry on the traditional costume and folk dances from Muntenia, such as: Brasoveanca, Ciobanasul, Floricica, Braul, Breaza, Sarba si Hora Mare.

Plant a flower for tomorrow, plant a tree for the next generation

Based on  the premise that the environment where we live needs  to be protected starting from the schoolyard and then moving to the whole world, our pupils planted flowers and trees in the green space from the schoolyard.

Considering that the cultural heritage of one people  represents a bridge between generations and other civilizations, through the activities developed our pupils  tried to forward the Romanian traditions and customs, in order to become models of active and responsible citizens for their brothers and sisters. Through the volunteering activities from the Active Citizens Clubs, our pupils showed interest, practical spirit and responsibility for cultural heritage, knowledge and forward it for future generations.

Articol KA2 VOLUNTARIAT – Romania


Volunteering is an optional activity which is motivated by a strong committment to community . It triggers the prospects for permanent education , mutual help and important project implementation for lots of beneficiaries.

Volunteering can be learnt. You can learn how to become a volunteer from an eraly age and through the example set by the people around you. At  school , teachers are assigned the part of supporting volunteering. Teachers themselves can become good examples for generations of students and pupils can inspire their younger  brothers.

Volunteering for the community you belong to provides you the opportunity of closely tying up bounds with the people, local representatives, as well as other institutions and national government organizations.

In Ulmi Secondary School volunteering practice is promoted and supported by both elementary and lower secondary students through numerous volunteering campaigns. Thus , through our involvement in the community affairs we manage to promote educational and cultural values and we encourage children and young people to be aware of them and get involved in the life of the community they come from.

The relationships with the members in the community are significantly consolidated through volunteering activities meant to support the poor and disadvantaged people and to reinforce the implication of local authority .

As part  of Erasmus project KA2 , Active and Responsible Citizenship gave us the opportunity to let the partner schools : Turkey ,  Greece, Italy, Bulgaria know our activities and volunteering campaigns undertaken by our teachers and students.

Throughout the school year 2018 – 2019 , there were campaigns going on in Ulmi Secondary School :

  • Let s Do It ‚ Romania!
  • We sing carols on Christmas Eve
  • Help your siblings !
  • 1-st March hand made jewels for moms and grandmas
  • Our school yard revives every spring
  • Take my example !

Let s Do It,  Romania! It is the volunteering campaign which has been taking place in our school for the last ten years. As usual , we have been cleaning up the school yard and then different areas in our community. Parents and The Town Hall and Local Council representatives have joined so that each student has become more responsible and cared more about the environment and has learnt to protect naure and how to collect the waste and garbage to be recycled.

We sing carols on Christmas Eve is the way we show our gratitude to the pople in our community for supporting us all through the year . The students in our school joined by their teachers and the priests in our area walk to all houses and share Jesus’ birth hopefully and joyfully. In this way , we pass on the Christmas carols we learnt from our grandparents and we bring the warm Christmas spirit in every famaily.

Help your siblings ! is the volunteering campaign undertaken in February . Thus , our students got involved in the problems of our community. Grocieries and clothes were given away for charity to the the poor families. This wouldn’t have been possible without all parents’ support,teachers and the priest in our village.Our students have learnt to be generous , to care for the needs of the people around them : the poor and sick old people , families going through a crisis.Their joy and smile was the enough reward for all the efforts.

1-st March hand made jewels is the volunteering campaign  to celebrate the beginning of spring for mothers and grandmothers in our community. Students made these jewels offered as a symbol of the respect, gratitude and appreciation for their caring attitude and efforts. As a consequence of this , women’s important role is encouraged and promoted from an early age.

The school yard revives very spring through our teachers’ and students’ common initiative . Students have learnt how to plant trees and flowers and dig up  flowerbeds.

Take my example ! is a traditional activity for our school to encourage younger students to take part in different activities.The transition from kindergarten to primary and then elementary school offers our students the opportunity to support the younger ones through common activities every year.

First of all, volunteering is an activity entirely up to you , probably motivated by a caring attitude to make a difference in your society and the wish of getting involved .

Besides the opportunity of direct social implication in various community problems, volunteering provides the chance of personal devolopment, of qualifying and discovering qulaities and feelings inside you .

Volunteering triggers prospects for permanent education , mutual support and important project implementation for many beneficiaries.

To conclude , volunteering is a way of living , but it’s not a regular job . Volunteering is like a school where you continously evolve by learning and consolidating various domains of interest. It gives you the opportunity to access information , programs and find people whose life you can change.

The last , but not the least , volunteering is sharing , caring and giving .

Sharing is caring!

Activities from the Romanian school