144 SU
„Narodni buditeli“
144 Secondary School “Narodni Buditeli” is a big school with 1280 pupils and more than 120 teachers in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The school has been working out traditions and its own profile for more than 30 years now. It is specialised in Arts, Music and Choreography.
The profiled training in these subjects includes intensive studying of English language. We also have classes in Spanish and Russian. Our students are aged between 6 and 19.
They are of different social status children from intermarriages; disadvantaged for socioeconomic reasons; suffering from chronic illnesses and partial disability and students with special educational needs.
These students are at different age and in different classes but they don’t feel socially isolated as they are treated as individuals by the pedagogical staff and the school nurses take special care of them. Specialized teachers work with them individually. There are special and individual programs for their education and upbringing.
The school has a modern and advanced facilities for the acquisition of European education and has numerous honors and awards in competitions at home and abroad. It is the only school in Bulgaria which is a member of the World Dance Association of UNESCO.
The school has 24 classrooms and 24 specialized rooms, 3 choreographic gyms, 4 labs for information technology, 5 Cabinet of Fine Arts, 7 rooms to study music, a swimming pool, a canteen and a bookstore.
There are numerous awards and honors in the field of art – Music, Choreography, Art. The prizes in sporting events of our students are also enough to shape a large section – a showcase on the first floor. At school there are six sections that are filled with trophies, plaques, certificates and special prizes awarded to our students and teachers.
Moreover, our teaching staff has extensive experience working on various national and international projects – from 2004 on we have worked on various projects under the Socrates, Comenius, Lifelong Learning Programme and now – Erasmus +.
Two years ago we finalized a Comenius project “Singing Europe” whose main topic was European citizenship and civil rights. Last year we finished our work on an Erasmus+ project entitled “United in diversity through stories of Europe” and this year – a KA1 project about how to prevent early school leaving.
We have also worked on eTwinning projects and three of them are awarded with eTwinning Quality Labels. Our eTwinning project “Life on the Europlanet” was given the 3rd price for European citizenship by our HRDC.
Now we are working on two KA2 projects entitled “Crossing borders” and “Cyril and Metodius” – 1000 years that unite and separate us.
Валентина Бориславова Борисова -ХВ клас
Защо трябва да спасим коралите?
С какво ни помагат те?
Как може да го направим?
Това са най-често задаваните въпроси от днешните поколения, които се интересуват поне малко от околната среда и които искат да имат бъдеще.
Кораловите рифове са един от най-ценните ни производители на въздух. Те са важни, както за нас, така и за водния свят. Освен че са красиви, те са и ценни домове за повечето малки видове риби.
Всички си мислим, че те не са полезни за никого, че те са само за красота, но нека ви кажа едно.
Вече над 80% от кораловите рифове, които сме виждали на снимки, на живо или дори във филма „Немо“, не съществуват. Вкаменени са и са неизползваеми. Много малко от „нормалните“ хора не се интересуват от това. Има много кампании за „съживяването“ на коралите, в които все повече и повече хора започват да участват. Но как бихме могли да помогнем ние, които не сме някъде близо до океан?
Можем да спрем да използваме толкова много пластмаса, може да започнем да рециклираме и да създаваме така наречените „изчезващи“ пластмаси. Те представляват пластмаса, която се разгражда при допира си с вода и е годна за пиене. Така не само ще спасим морския живот, но и нашия също! Кораловите рифове ще възвърнат цвета си, ще започнат да произвеждат кислорода нужен ни за да дишам и най-важното, ще приютяват отново малките видове риби. По този начин морския свят ще се съживи също.
Изводът е, че ако започнем да рециклираме, дори най-малките неща, като сламки, торбички и др., ще спасим не само морския живот, но и цялата планета, защото по този начин ще се отървем и от глобалното затопляне. Ще за живеем в един по-добър свят, както ние така и нашите деца и внуци.
Valentina Borislavova Borisova – XV class
Why should we save the corals?
What are they helping us with?
How can we do it?
These are the most frequently asked questions of today’s generations, who are at least a little interested in the environment and who want to have a future.
Coral reefs are one of our most valuable producers of air. They are important to us and the water world. In addition to being beautiful, they are also valuable homes for most small fish species.
We all think they are not useful to anyone, they are just for beauty, but let me tell you one thing.
Already, over 80% of the coral reefs we have seen in pictures, live or even in the movie „Nemo“ do not exist. They are fossilized and unusable. Very few „normal“ people are not interested in this. There are many coral revival campaigns in which more and more people are participating. But how can we help those who are not anywhere near the ocean?
We can stop using so much plastic, we can start recycling and creating so-called „disappearing“ plastics. They are plastic that breaks down on contact with water and is drinkable. Not only will we save marine life, but ours too! Coral reefs will regain their color, start producing the oxygen we need to breathe, and most importantly, shelter small fish species again. This way the sea world will be revived as well.
The conclusion is that if we start recycling, even the smallest things, such as straws, bags, etc., will save not only marine life, but the entire planet, because in this way we will get rid of global warming. We will live in a better world, as we do, as our children and grandchildren.
Arrival 101 Primary School of Thessaloniki in Sofia – Bulgaria
3rd meeting at Sofia – Bulgaria (video)
My country, my city and my school – Bulgaria
What is active citizenship? – Bulgaria
Erasmus+ project “Active and responsible citizenship” – Volunteering and charity in 144 Secondary School “Narodni Buditeli
3rd meeting at Sofia – Bulgaria